Every regular expression describes regular language Automata Theory by ComputeNow - July 27, 2019July 27, 20190 Every regular expression describes regular language, let R be an arbitrary regular expression over the alphabet Σ. We will prove that the language described by R is a regular language. The proof is by induction on the structure of R. The first base case of induction: Assume that R = ε. The R describes the language of {ε}. In order
Non Deterministic Finite Automata Automata Theory by ComputeNow - August 12, 20180 Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA) If, for each pair of states and possible input chars, there is a unique next state (as specificed by the transitions), then the FA is deterministic (DFA). Otherwise, the FA is non deterministic finite automata (NDFA). What does it mean for an FA to have more than